My niece

I found pictures of my cute niece in laptop few days ago, and I want to share it with all of you. Her nickname at home is POOH (Winnie the Pooh – yellow bear). She’s nearly 3 years old, and very smart, same like …. me (lolz, j/k). Frankly, she’s really smart, she can read almost Vietnamese alphabet right now, similar to me. I can read newspaper when I was 3 and a half. Thanks to my grandpa so I can read much more earlier than other kids, and that is also main reason why I wear a thick eyeglasses nowadays @.@

Back to my niece, I love her so much. I’m sure that I will help and support her as much as I can when she grows up.

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Heineken Countdown Party in Vietnam

Hey guys,
I’m so excited about Heineken Countdown Party will be held tonight on Nguyen Hue Boulevard, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City AND square of Hanoi Opera House. Well, I’m not in Hanoi but I’m sure that I will try to be on Nguyen Hue street to join this big party !

News on Internet about this party :

Dutch beer maker Heineken will host New Year countdown parties on the 31st in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi as part of its “Cheers to the World” campaign. It will start at 9 pm and go on until midnight. It will feature music and dance on a colorful 360-degree stage set up at the roundabout in front of Sunwah Tower. Well-known Vietnamese and international artists, including French-Canadian DJ Matt Cerf and Australian singer Emma Hewitt, will perform. The excitement will culminate in a dazzling fireworks display at midnight.


A 360-degree stage is being put up on Nguyen Hue Street for the Heineken Countdown Party on New Year’s Eve


Last year’s show rocked


Neon lights are all ready for this year’s show

It was held in HCMC for the first time last year — at the same venue — and featured American DJ Sean Ray and Canadian singer Laurie Mannette.

Countdown party 2009

Thousands attended the show last year

Laurie Mannette

Canadian singer Laurie Mannette performing at last year’s Heineken Countdown Party

It will be held for the first time in Hanoi at the Opera House square.

Also to start at 9 pm, the countdown party in the capital will feature 3 talented DJs: Jonathan Glaser from Sweden, Tempo from the US, and Tuan Kruise from Vietnam. They will perform atop a 6-meter-high stage in the center of the square where a large electronic clock will count down the New Year.

Dj Glaser

DJ Jonathan Glaser of Sweden who will perform in Hanoi

DJ Tuan Kruise

DJ Tuan Kruise, a talented young Vietnamese electronic musician

The show also features renowned Vietnamese artists like My Linh, Nguyen Duc Cuong and others.

The New Year countdown, first done at New York’s Times Square in 1907, has since become one of the most anticipated events on New Year’s Eve and a global cultural phenomenon.

Times Square

The razzmatazz at Times Square, New York

Every year when the colorful New Year’s Eve Ball is lowered from a pole on One Time Square building, people begin to count down the New Year. Around 1 million people are thought to gather for this, while an estimated 1 billion see it on TV, 100 million in the US.

The countdown has spread to Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore.


Quan Ho – touching rhythm

Well, it will be a long story if I tell you about Quan Ho, but I will say a bit. Quan Ho folk songs were recognized as “the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO on September 30, 2009. It is my most favorite traditional folk music (Vietnam have a lots of traditional genes, almost each area, or province, or ethnic groups have their own traditional songs or music). I can sing some simple melody of this genre, because I performed when I was in school. Quan Ho is from the North of Vietnam.

You can find out everything relates to Quan Ho such as : history, music, meaning, lyric, tradition clothes, etc from this link : Vietnamese version and English version

Vao chua – My fav song

For YouTube, you can find a great playlist in here ( and I myself uploaded 1 album I had to mediafire so you can download it if you want.

Link :

Enjoy it and have a nice time !

First entry

Hello, this is my first entry, and I almost don’t know what can I write T___T

Well, let’s see. I’ve just bought a BlackBerry 9700 with trackpad, and I’m trying not addicted with my BlackBerry. I know lots of people are same with me, but my first time with Blackberry, then I’m crazy with it. It is really useful for my job, which needs well communication and up-to-date email, information.

New Year is coming and I feel a bit upset because my to-do-list is not finished yet. I’m down this year, both work and study are not good, projects stuck, Mom and Dad are getting divorced, and ….. I’m still single =)) It’s not a bad thing when you’re single but sometimes I really want to find a shoulder to cry on, huge loneliness, blah blah. Anyway, those moments have gone quick and I’m back to normal. Too much emotional feeling………….

I’m watching JOSH GROBAN blog right now, really really LOVE him. I hope I can meet him someday, when I have chance to go to US. I plan to visit US next year but have not decided yet.

It’s 12.40 AM now and I need to go to bed. Zzz…..